Useful properties of dried berries

Useful properties of dried berries


Useful properties of dried berries (lozenges, tea, dried fruits):

The benefits of currant berries have been proven for a long time. This plant is very popular in Ukraine, and its fruits are used to make jams, jams, marmalade, compotes, jellies, and morsas, and are used as a filling for pies, pastries, and cakes. Tea with currant berries is also in no less demand. At the same time, it is worth noting not only its amazing taste and aroma, but also its undoubted benefits for the body. Since the amount of vitamin C included in the chemical formula of fruits significantly exceeds the amount in citrus fruits, such a drink can be considered an excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency. You should also not forget about other groups - vitamins E, A, B, as well as the presence of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, etc. In addition, other properties of the currant berry should be noted - the ability of vitamin K, also present in it, to thicken the blood. Therefore, people with low blood coagulation are recommended to drink currant tea. It is also necessary for the elderly, as it makes it possible to maintain a normal cardiovascular system. In addition, it helps calm the nervous system, restore strength after a hard day's work, charging the body with vigor and positivity. And constant use reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes and lowers "sugar" in the blood.

The benefits of viburnum are due to the presence of various vitamins, amino acids, essential oils, pectins and tannins in it. Viburnum tea is recommended for people with hypertension, atherosclerosis, gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers. The healing properties of red viburnum berries help to get rid of blood vessel spasms, skin rashes and nosebleeds. The use of viburnum acts as a sedative.

Rosehip is useful for colds, as it is an effective vitamin and tonic. The beneficial properties of rose hips restore the body's defenses and strengthen the immune system. The use of tea with rose hips prevents the formation of clots in the urinary system, stimulates fibrinolysis, and dissolves cholesterol plaques. Rosehip fruits are a vitamin treasure of autumn.

In Transcarpathia, they are collected before frost to prepare for the season of viruses and colds. Tart and acidic decoction of rose hips is drunk for general strengthening, health of blood vessels and mind. Wild rose berries are ahead of lemons in the amount of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is the main component that explains the beneficial properties of rose hips. Vitamins of group B, PP and mineral salts also serve to support immunity. There is a lot of iron in the fruits, which eliminates anemia and prevents a decline in strength. The rich composition makes rose hips useful for weight loss. A cup of low-calorie infusion makes up for the shortcomings of the meager menu.

Rosehip is a tea for hypertensives and everyone who cares about the cleanliness of blood vessels. It strengthens capillaries and dissolves cholesterol deposits. Rose hips are also useful for the kidneys and brain. Diuretic decoction expels infections, regulates blood quality and slows down aging. Does rosehip have contraindications? Of course, a little - personal intolerance and allergies. Rose hips are used in doses during pregnancy and after breastfeeding - for the sake of collagen and vitamins. Forest rosehip, the benefits and harm of its berries are known to everyone. But tea with a floral aroma deserves a separate and long acquaintance.

Blackberry is a berry that is beneficial not only in fresh form. Practically all useful nutrients are qualitatively preserved during drying, which is why it is often included in the collection of forest teas. Fragrant, slightly sour-tart and incredibly useful, it imparts its unforgettable taste to drinks, helping to quench thirst and saturating the body with various components. The calorie content of blackberries, despite their pronounced sweetness, is very low. Therefore, teas containing it are preferred by people who watch their figure to drink regularly.

Fragrant, tasty drink will undoubtedly give you many pleasant moments, will help lift your mood, and strengthen your immunity. Thanks to this wonderful berry, it saturates the human body with organic acids, vitamins of group B, A, C, E, K, micro- and macroelements in the form of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and others. Blackberry is good for weight loss, but it also allows you to get an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is very useful to drink tea with it for diabetes, inflammation of the joints, colds, sore throat and other ailments. There are also proven data on the antidiabetic effects of this miracle berry.

  Red rowan fruits are useful during off-season depression due to   the presence of vitamin P in them. The carotene found in rowan   increases visual acuity. The content of vitamin C helps strengthen the walls of capillaries and   blood vessels and helps with problems related to sleep disorders. Red rowan is useful for   frequent constipation, problems with urination, hypertension.

 Raspberry berries contain vitamins A, B, C, B1, B2, PP,   organic acids and their salts, folic acid, about 11% of sugars,   such as fructose, glucose, sucrose), and raspberry seeds   contain up to 22% of fatty oil. Raspberries are richer in iron   than other fruit crops. Raspberries are the most harmless for   people prone to allergies, so it is the first berry that is introduced to the diet of babies.   Raspberry treatment increases immunity.

Juniper berries act as a diuretic in tea gatherings. The properties of juniper berries are indispensable for the treatment of joint and bone diseases. Treatment with juniper is effective for diseases of the respiratory system, such as bronchitis, laryngitis, and tracheitis. Also, the berries have a bactericidal, soothing, pain-relieving and tonic effect.

The high level of vitamin C that sea buckthorn is rich in helps to increase the absorption of iron in the body, thereby ensuring a high and stable blood flow, since iron is a key component of red blood cells. Sea buckthorn treatment slows down the aging process, improves the appearance of the skin and hair, and helps increase cell viability. Sea buckthorn is used for colds.

Tea with blueberry berries is rich in antioxidants, which are a good prevention of cancer. The medicinal properties of blueberries are explained by the presence of many elements in it, such as carbohydrates, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as the presence of organic acids, such as iron, copper and other minerals. Blueberries contain many different vitamins: A, C, B1, B6, vitamin PP.

Black elderberry contains ascorbic acid, vitamins B1 and B2, sambunigrin, carotenoids, anthocyanin glycosides, quinic acid, chlorogenic acid, anti-inflammatory factor, tannins and resinous substances.

The presence of vegetable fiber and pectin substances allows us to talk about the beneficial effect of irga berries on digestive functions and metabolite utilization processes. As you know, fiber and pectins practically do not undergo changes when passing through the digestive tract, but thanks to the branched molecular structure, they actively absorb toxins and absorb heavy metal salts, which are subsequently excreted from the body during defecation.

Honeysuckle. Fresh spring berries are what we look forward to all winter. They taste great fresh or used in desserts, ice cream and preserves. Just one serving (cup) of berries contains 4 grams of fiber, 24% vitamin C, 25% manganese, and 36% percent vitamin K. In addition, it is about 84% water, and the whole cup has only 85 calories with 15 grams of carbohydrates.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of dogwood: the plant has long been known for its excellent taste and medicinal properties. In Chinese and Tibetan medicine, ancient Greece and Asian countries, dogwood is mentioned in the first medical treatises long before our era. It was widely used for the treatment of many diseases: all parts of the plant were used - from roots, bark, branches and leaves to flowers, fruits and seeds. The use of dogwood prevents the occurrence of many diseases: vitamin deficiency, reduced immunity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic disorders.

Strawberries. Only some citrus fruits have as many vitamins as strawberries, and that's only taking into account the vitamins contained in the peel. If you think: what is easier to eat - half a kilogram of strawberries or the same number of lemons, berries take the upper hand.

What vitamins are in strawberries? Its chemical composition is rich in ascorbic acid and vitamin A. Together, these vitamins have the beneficial property of raising immunity. The properties of vitamin A also ensure normal perception of light by the eye, especially in the dark.

Also, the berries are rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, folic and salicylic acid, contain PP vitamins; B1; B2; B6; IS; WITH.

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