Ivan herbal tea with lemon balm

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Product Code: Чай
SKU: 0014

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Short description
Rosmarinic acid contained in lemon balm has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and can prevent such diseases as arthritis, thrombophlebitis and rheumatism. In addition, it is an excellent antioxidant that will prevent... Read more...
Brief Attributes
Herbal For immunity Invigorates Soothes See all attributes

Rosmarinic acid contained in lemon balm has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and can prevent such diseases as arthritis, thrombophlebitis and rheumatism. In addition, it is an excellent antioxidant that will prevent the body from aging quickly.

Composition: Ivan tea fermented, lemon balm

Packaging: Milk bag with a window.

Weight (optional):

25g + 5 filter bags;

50g + 10 filter bags;

100g + 15 filter bags.

Storage conditions: in a dark, dry place without extraneous odors at a temperature of 18-25 degrees.

It is not a medicine. Before use, consult a doctor or phytotherapist.

Active components:

We have all known for a long time that lemon balm tea is a wonderful sedative that will beat most medications. We offer to your attention Ivan tea with lemon balm, which will not only allow you to enjoy a wonderful and gentle aroma, but will also bring great benefits to your whole body.

As an independent product, John's wort is well known to everyone as a source of useful substances, because this fragile plant has collected the bulk of the elements of Mendeleev's table. The plant contains such substances as iron, nickel, copper, titanium and even potassium, sodium and calcium. Do not forget that this tea has long been the record holder for the amount of vitamin C, which is even more in tea than in citrus fruits and black currants.

Ivan tea is able to raise the tone and add strength, and it will also help with headaches, migraines, can perfectly calm the nerves, relieve tension and normalize sleep. Ivan tea also has a positive effect on the nervous system in the treatment of mental disorders, neuroses, post-traumatic disorders and normalization of the condition after the strongest stresses. Ivan tea has unparalleled anti-inflammatory properties and is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the organs of all body systems.

An exceptionally successful combination of cypress and lemon balm helps relieve fatigue, cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, and other harmful substances, lower blood pressure, and strengthen the cardiovascular system as a whole. John's wort tea with lemon balm also improves the functioning of the nervous system and brain, strengthens the immune system, slows down the aging process, and helps eliminate inflammation and digestive disorders.

Properties of tea
For immunity

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