Loaves - Lisosad

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Loaves - Lisosad

Loaves is a new trend in healthy eating, they are characterized by:

  • they do not cause rumbling and swelling of the intestines,
  • with them you get more fiber, while eating many times less bread.

According to WHO recommendations, every day we should receive at least 30-35 grams of fiber from food.

Do you know how much you need to eat, for example cucumbers, to satisfy this need? 7 kg. Well, or about 2 kg of cabbage, or 2.5 kg of Hercules oatmeal, or 6 loaves of bread! And 150 gr of bread is enough.

In addition, bread is an excellent source of B vitamins and minerals.

Can you lose weight with loaves?

You can, if you used to eat a lot of bread, pastries, sweets, and then abandoned them in favor of bread.

The thing is that a high fiber content leads to a decrease in the absorption of carbohydrates and calories from bread. If white bread is digested by 85 percent, rye - by 75, then bread - about 30. And the glycemic index of bread is much lower than bread.

Can breadcrumbs completely replace bread? Certainly! In addition, such a replacement is recommended for obesity and weight control, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, constipation, diverticulosis, atherosclerosis, as well as for rationalizing nutrition, especially after the age of 40 years.

Are there any contraindications for bread rolls?

Undoubtedly! They are not recommended for children under 3 years of age due to the high amount of fiber. People with colitis and enterocolitis (with persistent diarrhea), irritable bowel syndrome, dolichosigma, high acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum with erosions of the intestinal mucosa should also be careful. Patients with celiac disease should choose only gluten-free bread.

How to choose the "right" loaves?

Read the label carefully! They should contain exclusively whole grains and natural additives - spices, grains, herbs, etc. No flour, yeast, salt, starch, preservatives, oxidizing agents, etc.

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